for Minecraft 1.18.2, 1.19.2 & 1.20.1 released on November 2nd, 2023.
- 1.20: Fixed crash on launch when Optifine is installed
- Fixed pipe-based cobblestone generation not working correctly
- Fixed vertical threshold switches and smart observers outputting redstone signal from incorrect sides
- Added #create:blaze_burner_capturable entity type tag
- Misc. blocks tagged as #create:wrenchable can no longer be picked up with a wrench unless the player is sneaking
- Fixed Analog Levers not rendering their redstone indicator
- Fixed Schematics failing to load when containing items with sensitive nbt
- Fixed Turntable handler causing a crash during world shutdown
- Fixed items in some locations no longer getting processed by fans since previous patch
- Fixed smart observer using wrong bottom texture
- Fixed stretched textures on stress- and speedometers' block models
- Toolbox hotbar slot sprites now use the revised brass palette from 0.5.1
- Added /create debuginfo command (TropheusJ)
- New localisation updates from Crowdin
- Implemented various performance measures
- Contents of a filter are no longer read from item nbt each time a stack is tested
- MovementContext for contraption actors now caches the filter from their corresponding BlockEntity
- Trains check their distance before running full collision tests
- Trains can no longer collide when on separate track networks
- Optimised train navigation and pathfinding (Timo van Veen)