for Minecraft 1.18.1 released on January 9th, 2022
- Added the Bulk Haunting recipe type (by lcy0x1)
- Added a set of default Bulk Haunting recipes
Enhancements, Fixes
- Now using Flywheel 0.5.1
- Fixed Stickers not visually updating when powered
- Fixed Cocoa pods colliding with piston/pulley/gantry harvesters
- Unified particle emission locations between depot and belt fan processing
- Fixed Brass funnels with configured amounts inserting partial stacks when target inventory is almost full
- Fixed toolbox not marking a chunk for saving when contents change
- Fixed Contraptions no longer sending disassembly packets and thus dropping players through blocks
- Fixed Item Drain recipes in JEI marking the fluid as an input (by shartte)
- Fixed Super Glue not showing a correct damage bar
- Fixed Stockpile Switch prioritizing item inventories over fluid inventories
- Addons are now able to register non-furnace blocks as valid sources of a furnace engines' power (by mrh0)
- Fixed crash rendering biome-tinted blocks on contraptions
- Fixed visual artifacts with contraptions while using optifine
- Added pt_pt.json by fgsoftware1
- Updates to ko_kr.json by qkrehf2
- Updates to zh_cn.json by Demonese
- Updates to ja_jp.json by CKenJa
- Updates to pt_br.json by vyhi