for Minecraft 1.17.1 & 1.18 released on December 10th, 2021.
- Added the Item Vault
- Added the Pulse Extender
- Added Encased Cogwheels and Encased Large Cogwheels
- Added Crimsite, Asurine, Veridium, Ochrum
- Added and Removed palette blocks for Andesite, Diorite, Granite, Tuff, Deepslate, Dripstone, Calcite, Limestone, Scoria and Dark Scoria
- Added the Experience Nugget
Enhancements, Fixes
- Added a config for moving budding amethyst with contraptions
- Fluid networks can now pull lava and water from filled cauldrons
- Fluid Pipes now require twice the amount of Copper
- Double chests no longer split when moved on a contraption
- Changed a few blocks' sound types
- Changed crafting recipe for Fluid Tanks
- Fixed ponder tracking items in inactive inventory screens
- Ponder editing mode is now a Config Option
- Updated Ponder Scenes for the repeaters
- Picking encased kinetic blocks no longer returns a creative-only item
- Added a Ponder Scene with encased cogwheels
- Matched Create's copper block behaviour with vanilla
- Change of top & bottom texture for copper roof blocks
- Updated create decorative copper block textures (Shingle and Tiles) + oxide stages
- Added the Copper Legacy Resource pack
- Mechanical Belts no longer have a Stress Impact
- Stairs and Slabs variants of blocks no longer use plural in their name
- Added waxed copper recipes for deploying
- Added crushing recipes for raw ore blocks
- Modified recipe for the Wand of Symmetry
- Encased Shafts and Cogwheels no longer appear on creative tabs
- Items shown on JEI's Washing tab are now centred
- Introduced a new set of Ore Processing recipes
- Moved Portable Storage Interface to andesite tier
- Removed the Adjustable Crate
- Creative Crates can no longer span multiple blocks
- "Chromatic" items no longer appear on creative tabs
- Ejectors now emit comparator signals relative to their max accepted stack size
- New Zinc Ore integration (Art by .vectorwing)
- Removed Gabbro, Dolomite, Weathered Limestone
- Custom stone types now generate as layers instead of ores
- Fixed shaft models misaligning near large cogwheels
- Removed the Copper Ingot
- Removed Copper Ore
- Slightly tweaked cogwheel models
- Removed the pulse repeater
- Removed the adjustable repeater
- Adjustable Pulse Repeater -> Pulse Repeater
- Latches now play a sound when flipped manually