for Minecraft 1.15 and 1.16 released on January 4th, 2021.
"Hotfix III, let the bugs be free"
Important note: one-item shapeless crafting recipes are no longer processed by the mechanical mixer, which can break some machines from version 0.3b. Exercise care when updating old worlds.
Enhancements, Fixes
- Fixed honey blocks not acting like slime blocks when assembling contraptions
- Fixed Fluid Tanks not rendering contents when slightly out of view
- Updated zh_cn translation
- Updated ko_kr translation
- Added chocolate and tea fluid tag
- Fixed item drain accepting stacks of items to empty
- Fixed mixers mistakingly ignoring recipes with 4 or 9 equal ingredients
- Fixed schematicannon not able to place glass pipes, encased pipes, belt funnels and encased shafts
- Fixed crash when other mods register spawn eggs
- Belts no longer consume dye
- Tweaked placement constraints and control of cogwheels
- Minecarts can now collide with non-mounted contraptions
- Attempted some optimizations to contraption lighting
- Fixed basins dropping outputs when no spoutput is present
- Lowered overfeeding threshold for blaze cakes
- Brass tunnels no longer distribute in directions against their mounted belt
- Fixed capability issues on millstones
- Fixed incompatibility with The One Probe
- Fan washing now supports up to 12 output stacks. For your textbook skyblock insanity.
- Chance outputs below 1% no longer show 0% in their tooltip
- Fixed creates components picking up dead items (chance of duplication)
- Fixed server-side crash when disassembling contraptions containing a creative crate
- Mixers can no longer process single-item recipes
- Added processing recipes for items in AE2
- Fixed pams harvestcraft recipe catalysts not recycling properly
- Windmill bearings no longer assemble when the attached kinetics update
- Hose pulleys now display additional goggle info when their target fluid body is considered infinite
- Protected the natural scoria model from vertex-format changes made by optifine
- Andesite tunnels now split off single items to side outputs
- Fixed non-interpolated item animation on the Mechanical Saw
- Attempted fix to oriented contraption causing serialization issues
- Fixed mounted contraptions not updating yaw interpolation when stalled
- Fixed "shifting gears" advancement not triggering when using the cogwheel placement assist
- Schematicannons no longer cause pasted kinetic networks to be virtually interconnected
- Added sandstone -> sand; milling/crushing recipe
- Fixed Spouts duplicating container items in some configurations
- Fixed block cutting recipe outputs piling up beyond the gui boundaries
1.16 Only
- Removed some outdated compat recipes
- Added sawing recipes for Crimson and Warped stems
- Adjusted crushing outputs of nether wart blocks
- Fixed Deployers unable to break leaves and other specific translucent blocks
- Saws and Deforesters can now take down Crimson and Warped fungus
- Compatibility for Eidolon's lead