for Minecraft 1.16.5 released on November 24th, 2021.
Enhancements, Fixes
- Fixed Chutes spilling items when inserting into disconnected storage interfaces
- Blaze Burners can now be picked up using the Wrench
- Fixed Contraptions being affected by Weighted Ejectors
- Fixed press/deployer/spout failing to process an item when other items are processed simultaneously further down the belt
- Fixed piston/pulleys moving before their attached entity is loaded
- Fixed pipes spawning particles at connections between chunks
- Fixed toolbox deleting contained items when crafted with dye
- Fixed encased fluid pipes not updating flows when neighbouring blocks change
- Fixed fluid pipes not updating flows when adjacent block changes from fluid to block
- Fixed Crafters voiding any inserted items after being moved on a contraption
- Fixed Crafters crashing the game after being placed by a Schematicannon
- Fixed Mechanical Press head getting stuck in extended position when off-screened or when its basin changes
- A couple of two-ingredient recipes have been made shapeless
- Made toolbox recipes less confusing to navigate in JEI
- Improved piston/pulley contraption collision with blocks in the world
- Fixed pistons/pulley contraptions merging into world blocks when disassembling shortly after loaded in
- Toolbox radial can now be navigated using hotbar shortcuts
- Toolbox radial now steps back when right-clicked
- Toolbox radial now immediately opens the multi-toolbox view when right-clicking the central "unequip" button
- Fixed hidden slots visible in toolbox screen in some gui scales
- Toolbox sorting in the radial menu is now deterministic
- Fixed Toolboxes not always updating their inventory state to clients
- Shulker boxes can no longer be placed inside toolboxes
- Fixed potion fluids not displaying their full name in jei
- Fixed JEI showing all potion recipes when looking up a specific one
- Fixed belt-item speed and contraption sync being one tick off by default
- Added in-world toolbox dyeing
- Fixed toolbox handle not rendering with transparency
- Gantry Shafts can now be configured to have a stress impact
- Additional safety checks from crash-reports
- Recipes with an id suffixed "_manual_only" are now ignored in auto-shaped, auto-shapeless and auto-cutting processing features
- Better visibility for low/half amounts of fluids in basins
- Added processingTime support to mixing recipes (defaults to 100)
- Fixed Basin recipes with fluid output not starting when targeted output inventory supports items only
- Fixed item extraction from create creating stacks of unstackable items when source inventory allows stacking them ( e.g. Storage Drawers)
- Fixed pipes not initialising target fluid holders properly when the source is loaded in first
- Fixed Deployers not having a valid item capability when asked before their first tick
- Fixed Mechanical Crafting recipes able to be automated via packing
- Fixed fluid networks losing fluids when extracted amount is lower than a pumps transfer speed
- Fixed JEI plugin claiming that some occultism's ritual recipes work in a compacter
- Added es_cl.json by Alonsinwhat
- Updates to de_de.json by DreiMu
- Updates to ko_kr.json by qkrehf2
- Updates to zh_cn.json by Demonese
- Updates to es_es.json by FrannDzs
- Updates to pt_br.json by vyhi
- Updates to ja_jp.json by CKenJa