for Minecraft 1.16.5 released on July 12th, 2021.
Enhancements, Fixes
- When a Lectern Controller that a player is using is broken, they are no longer prevented from using any other Lectern Controllers
- Fixed issues when activating a Lectern Controller while holding another Linked Controller
- Forced updated stress values to apply to existing worlds
- Added Create's panorama as a background for the config ui when opened from the main menu
- Fixed panoramas moving at a inconsistent speed
- Fixed blocks not updating their neighbors when being assembled into a contraption
- Fixed Stockpile Switch not updating its redstone output when its signal is inverted
- Reduced lag caused by many active nearby soul particles
- The Wither's shield is now immune to potato projectiles
- Fixed potato projectile potion effect weirdness
- Golden Apple potato projectiles can now cure Zombie Villagers
- Potato Recovery will no longer drop Golden Apples that successfully hit an entity
- Copper backtanks can no longer accumulate air pressure when waterlogged
- Copper backtanks now emit a comparator output
- Improved the odds to succeed of existing sequenced assembly recipes
- Removed id prefix requirement for ponder and seq. assembly tooltips
- ko_kr updated thanks to qkrehf2