for Minecraft 1.16 released on April 16th, 2021.
"Frantic bug-fixing"
Enhancements, Fixes
- Mechanical Press can no longer create sheets in bulk, unless configured otherwise
- Fixed Mechanical Press missing items passing on a belt while retracting
- Millstone now accepts items from belts/ejectors directly
- Fixed Redstone-triggered components losing tile data after moved by a Contraption
- Super glue between non-solids can now be removed while the glue item is equipped
- Fixed Deployers not able to interact with glued blocks
- Fixed incorrect lang mapping of UI button descriptions
- Placement assist block preview now lights properly, doesn't z-fight and fades in gradually
- Pickaxe and Axe are now effective on piston extension poles
- Fixed block breaking animations inside the ponder UI
- Fixed Ponder Scenes rendering on top of the progress bar
- Fixed Mechanical Press not retracting when items were removed early
- Mechanical Press now makes less noise when pressing onto wool or belts
- Fixed Windmill Bearings allowing to be moved while assembled
- Mechanical Pistons now silence the "missing poles" error after poles were added
- Fixed basins not continuing their processing when items are actively extracted
- Basins now accept full stacks for items thrown into the top manually
- Fixed Smart Chutes not dropping filter items
- Fixed Smart Chutes not updating attached diagonal chutes properly when removed
- Fixed Server-side crash when coupling two minecarts from a glitched self-colliding pile
- Contraptions with exceeding spawn packet sizes no longer get sent to the client
- Minecart Contraptions with exceeding nbt packet sizes can no longer be picked up
- Renamed "Metal Blocks" to "Blocks of Metal"
- Fixed Seat interaction being too restrictive with max reach
- Contraption seats can no longer be mounted while riding something else