for Minecraft 1.15 and 1.16 released on April 3rd, 2021.
"Mandatory post-release patch."
Enhancements, Fixes
- Placement helper indicator can now be scaled down in the client config
- Fixed Server-side crash caused by casting ContraptionWorld to ServerWorld
- Smart Chutes now transfer stacks of 64 when no filter count is assigned
- Fixed a couple overlooked ponder text issues
- Fixed weighted ejector not accepting arbitrary gold plates in its recipe
- Fixed crash opening ponder from screens with an opened recipe book
- Fixed screens not able to be closed by keybind on non-english keyboards
- Fixed inconsistent collection behaviour of in-world funnels
- Fixed schematic and quill not escaping invalid filenames properly
- Fixed ghost deployer hands appearing around the player
- Fixed Spawners losing nbt data when moved
- Fixed inconsistency between block and item model of the furnace engine
- Fixed crash with the Performant mod when entities are present in a ponder scene