for Minecraft 1.15 and 1.16 released on April 2nd, 2021.
"Performance, Presentation, Perfection."
Visual Changelog by Kryppers
Important note: vertical funnels can no longer connect two inventories to each other, which can break some machines from version 0.3e. Exercise care when updating old worlds.
- Added Smart chutes
- Added Gantry shafts and Gantry carriages
- Added the Sticker
- Added Weighted Ejector
- Added Honeyed apples
- Added Sweet rolls
- Added Chocolate glazed berries
- Introduced the "Ponder" Tutorial and Documentation System
- Introduced the "Flywheel" Rendering Backend developed by Jozufozu
Enhancements, Fixes
- Vertical funnels can no longer transfer between inventories
- Reworked non-mounted funnels to be consistent will all other funnel configurations
- Non-mounted funnels can now insert and extract ground items
- Non-mounted funnels no longer occupy a full block length
- Dyes can now be used to change the appearance of Mechanical Belts
- Fluid items containing water can be used to clean dyed belts
- Deployers now place broken blocks into their internal inventory
- Deployers can now harvest honey or honeycombs from beehives
- Pipes can now connect to and drain liquid honey from beehives
- Slime blocks on a moving Contraption are now bouncy
- Ice blocks on moving Contraptions are now very slippery
- Crushing Wheels now work omnidirectionally
- Drills and other block breakers on contraptions now give up trying to destroy a block when their movement direction is reversed
- Deployers with a positioned Schematic as their filter will place blocks accordingly, taking items from the contraption inventory
- Various Adjustments and Fixes to kinetic propagation
- Updated Goggles item model
- Updated funnel block models
- Updated Speed Controller block model
- Variety of Security patches developed by Pau101
- Added goggle overlays for fluid tanks, spouts, item drains, and basins
- Added comparator compat to fluid tanks, spouts, and item drains
- Refined Placement Assist visuals
- Added the composter as a mechanical arm interaction point
- Mechanical Arms now stall targeted belt items
- Updated redstone contact texture
- Fixed basin auto-output not working on stopped belts
- Basin auto-output can now share a space with funnels
- Fixed chutes not able to output partial stacks
- Thrown chromatic products are now gravity-less
- Ploughs can now harvest snow layers
- Linear Chassis now connect to each other in any direction
- Fixed honey bottles on belt/depots not rendering upright
- Added attribute filter for dyed items
- Fixed saws and drains ejecting items when mounted funnel is backstuffed
- Fixed some tunnel distribution inconsistencies
- Front face of crafters now supports automatic item insertion
- Added running particles when sprinting on contraptions
- Fixed fake players being able to sit on seats
- Added step sound when walking on contraptions
- Goggle overlays now use a localized number format
- Large cogs can no longer be placed right next to crafters or millstones
- Fixed Minecart Contraptions started on a powered rail facing in unwanted directions
- Fixed powered rail Cart Assemblers not respecting the solid block rule of powered rails
- Fixed Minecart contraption items not facing away from the player when placed
- Pressing recipes on belts now take probabilities into account
- Adjusted Brass Tunnels to better deal with non-complete item transferrals
- Using sponge on a basin will remove any liquids
- More blocks are now usable by placement assist
- Added attribute filter conditions for enchantment levels
- Sequenced Gearshifts can now be told to wait for an additional pulse
- Include a warning when joining a world while fabulous graphics are enabled
- Fixed placement assist not playing sounds
- Windmill bearings now have a configurable minimum of sail blocks
- Fixed Blockzapper issues with FTBChunks
- Tweaked belt animation speed to match item movement speed
- Funnels can now extract items when part of a contraption
- Fixed Schematicannon clearing blocks outside of a Schematics' bounding box
- Encased chain drives are less likely to create a kinetic source loop when wrenched
- Piston and Pulley contraptions are less likely to overshoot targets at high speeds
- Bearing contraptions will disassemble when their anchor is rotated by wrench
- Bearings, Pistons and other Movement Anchors now display reasons why its contraption could not be assembled
- Chutes now display contents in their goggle overlay
- Fixed Encased Fans not providing kinetic power after being moved by contraption
- Fixed occasional lack of backface culling for UI items
- Sticky Mechanical Pistons now drag attached structures with them
- Mechanical piston heads and poles now drag their entire piston multiblock with them
- Mechanical Arms and Wrenches can no longer be assigned to filter slots directly
- Mechanical arms no longer arbitrarily wait between operations unless targets are overflowing
- Added some safety layers for nbt assigned to blocks by Schematics
- Redstone links can now be placed onto any non-empty space
- Kinetic animations now pause while the game is paused
- Added Crushing recipe for the AE2 fluix crystal
- Removed a couple outdated compatibility recipes
- Mechanical Saws can now process recipes of the Druidcraft woodcutter
- Now using generic item tags for Blockzapper Upgrade recipes
- Gave indicators on funnels better visibility
- Fixed directionality of horizontally placed crushing wheels.
- Spectating Players can no longer interact with in-world interfaces
- Fixed uvs on Deployer model
- Contraptions no longer calculate entity vs fluid block interactions
- Allowed downwards crushers to deposit directly into belts/chutes/depots and such below.
- Allowed horizontal crushers to take input from belts going below them.
- Allowed horizontal crushers to deposit directly into belts/chutes/depots and such placed below, offset by one in the output direction.
- Crushers stall when they have a valid output block but cannot actually output.
- Crushers outputting in any direction except down will shoot out the item entities with some speed.
- Fix 'sticky' block connectivity on Contraptions
- Contraptions now use block palettes to save their structure
- Added support for PUSH_ONLY movement behaviour on Contraptions
- Rope Pulleys no longer break bedrock when placing their rope
- Fixed a de-sync issue with filter slots
- Added "/create util replaceInCommandBlocks" for map-making purposes
- Added "/create clone" to clone structures including super glue
- Added client config to disable placement helpers
- Optimizations for block gathering when Contraption assemble
- Fixed Speedometer/Stressometer gauges not rendering behind doors
- Superglue no longer gums up spawn packets
- Hand cranks can now be used with non-empty hands
- Added Server side validation for Extendo Grip and Contraption interaction packets
- Fixed Stabilized Contraptions able to move further bearing blocks
- Prevented super glue from being placed on already sticky faces
- Fixed Fistbumping Deployers not able to do their work
- Fixed Item Duplication caused by Sand Paper
- Fixed Item Duplication caused by Chutes
- Fixed Item Duplication caused by Portable Storage Interfaces
- Fixed Duplication of Cart Assemblers
- Attribute filter screen now displaces jei bookmarks and items
- Schematic table screen now displaces jei bookmarks and items
- Moved towards more compatible world gen
- Removed old tooltips overlapping with ponder content
- Added generic fan stream, fluid pool and bracketing advancement triggers making custom advancements easier
- Adjusted tooltip presentation for more visual consistency
- Custom cogwheels can now be added more easily by add-ons
- Contraption types can now be added more easily by add-ons
1.16 only
- Added Create stone to base_stone_overworld block tag
- All blocks tagged as campfires are now valid smoke sources
- Fixed worldgen not following the intended registry workflow
- zh_tw Added by dunois
- es_es Added by FrannDzs, muriplz
- de_de Updated by SaurierZockt, DreiMu, muffinbarde, Peatral
- zh_cn Updated by TUsama, MacrousHyucen, Snownee, BigDaleAHA
- it_it Updated by Chexet48
- es_mx Updated by JohanIvan
- fr_fr Updated by dindin-glitch
- ja_jp Updated by CKenJa, RakuGaki-MC
- ru_ru Updated by pgkrol, Alepod