for Minecraft 1.14 released on May 9th, 2020.
"Bug-Fixes and a few little additions. Have fun!"
- Added superglue, an alternative to chassis blocks
- Added the Mechanical Plough
Enhancements, Fixes
- Chassis range visualization now uses the new outline particle
- Written Schematics can now be re-used in Schematic Tables
- Schematic and Quill selection is now smoother and more precise
- Schematics no longer re-render their preview every time they are re-positioned
- Schematic tools now move, rotate or flip the schematic more smoothly
- Fixed Schematics not rendering TileEntities in their preview
- Fixed inconsistent shifting when rotating Schematics with an "odd by even" size
- Schematics can now include entities
- Schematicannons can now print several types of static entities, such as boats, minecarts or item frames
- The creative crate is back on the menu
- Schematicannons can now place belts safely
- Fixed duplication issue with Schematic tables
- Removed invalid Schematic item from creative tab
- Kinetic networks are now aware of movement, such as NBT-item placement, schematic placement and other means of tileentit movement and will reset/reconnect
- Fixed pistons/bearings/etc not being movable by chassis
- Fixed pistons/bearings/etc moving a clone of themselves when attached to the initial block
- Fixed pistons/bearings/etc stopping or losing their structure when loaded incorrectly
- Pulleys can now be moved while extended, moving attached ropes and their own attached structure with them
- Brittle blocks such as ladders/torches/etc can no longer be moved unless their attached block is moved
- Fixed mechanical pistons messing up their kinetic information when changing into a different extension state.
- Fixed inconsistent belt initialization when belts are placed by schematics or structures, causing them to break at random
- Clutches and Gearshifts now await their turn t re-attach when changed, allowing multiple to be used in a network and swapped within one tick without causing components to break.
- Pistons no longer get blocked by their push limit if the blocks pushed are attached to each other
- Fixed Sequenced Gearshift crashing when removing instructions while active
- Fixed deployer not being able to interact with non-living entities
- Chassis range display no longer shows the overlay for non-sticky directions
- Fixed adjustable pulley popping off due to floating point precision issues
- Redstone links no longer cause a redstone update when loaded in
- Redstone links no longer mess up windmill bearings on chunk reload
- Fixed toggle latch acting strangely with input signals
- Fixed inconsistent funnel activation when items are inserted on the same segment
- Fixed redstone links not working properly after movement in a contraption
- Reworked the advancement tree
- Fixed misplaced client code introduced by a ScreenOpener hotfix
- Slots for chance outputs now have a slighly different appearance in JEI
- Filter output amounts can no longer be increased beyond the stack limit
- Fixed flexcrate interface crashing if the block gets removed while open
- Some additions/modifications in texture assets
- Visual rework to Schematic items and their interface
- Fixed typo in Mechanical Press tooltip
- Added missing stonecutter recipe for polished dark scoria blocks
- added ko_kr localization by qkrehf2
- Added it_it localization by Masterlupo
- Mounted Drills now briefly stall a contraption after breaking a block below falling blocks (sand, gravel, etc)
- Mechanical Saws can now harvest Bamboo, Chorus, Kelp, Sugar Cane, Cactus, Melons and Pumpkins
- Fixed harvester position inconsistency when moved vertically
- Fixed saws/drills not hurting entities in some cases
- Fixed saws/drill throwing back hurt entities in weird directions
- Minecart assemblers can now be configured to 3 different rotation modes
- Minecarts with mounted contraptions can now be picked up as an item
- Furnace Minecarts can now be used in the cart assembler
- Fixed displaced coords between contraptions and their mounts, should fix cart structures from disappearing when loaded near chunk borders
- Contraptions no longer render with default yaw if their mount is out of render distance
- Fixed drills and saws throwing entities back by unreasonable distances
- Drills now break columns of falling blocks from top to bottom while moved
- Schematicannons with creative crates no longer require gunpowder to operate
- Creative crates can now be used for infinite item supply and voiding
- Condensed mechanical crafting into one JEI page category, scaling down slots if necessary
- Fixed ploughs trying to break water blocks
- Fixed stationary contraptions getting nudged around by expiring farmland blocks
- Shulker boxes can now be used as portable storage on contraptions
- Added vertical rotation support to buttons, levers
- Fixed certain directional blocks flipping around inconsistently when contraptions rotate by 180 degrees
- Vertical belts no longer pop when rotated horizontally
- Fans, RSCs, basins, stockpile switches, gauges, engines, cranks and many other blocks can now be moved in a contraption
- Cocoa pods can now be harvested by harvesters
- Most of creates technical blocks can now be picked up using a wrench
- Fixed Stockpile switch not reacting to movement.
- Fixed Stockpile switch not reacting to changes to a double container
- Fixed blazing sword taking damage in the nether
- Fixed blazing sword not igniting entities
- Fixed stack overflow when overpowering a RSC from both inputs
- Fixed duplication glitch caused by the deployer
- Fixed crafters not able to return multiple buckets