for Minecraft 1.14 released on April 11th, 2020.
"More bug-fixes. It doesn't end."
Enhancements, Fixes
- The wrench now rotates the target block around the axis of the face that the it was used on
- Added a japanese localization provided by MORIMORI0317
- Redstone Links can now be toggled with a wrench
- Redstone Links are now portable on contraptions
- Schematicannon no longer inserts held schematics automatically
- Saws no longer accept items when their speed is zero
- Fixed UV shifts not working consistently with high-res resource packs
- Fixed window panes not connecting their textures with windowlogged blocks
- Fixed buttons and pressure plates not resetting after being moved
- Fixed missing tooltips on custom swords
- Reverted the misplaced nerf on worldgen, applied due to a previous bug in feature placement
- Ore features no longer spawn in the "void" or "hell" biome
- Fixed Minecart contraptions killing their own mount using saws/drills
- Pistons, Bearings and Pulleys can now be moved unless they are moving something themselves
- Fixed cart assemblers blocking in the powered rail kickstart logic
- Piston poles can now be moved
- Crushing wheels no longer spawn missing texture particles when sprinting on the central block
- Deployers' hand items can now be directly inserted/extracted using hoppers, extractors, funnels, etc
- Fixed Deployers not dropping held items when destroyed
- Millstones now empty their input inventory when clicked on while their output buffer is empty
- Millstones no longer accept items they cannot process
- Fixed hoppers not being able to pull items from belts in certain cases
- Fixed adjustable crates corrupting chunks
- Kinetic blocks no longer cause chunks to lose all block light information
- Stockpile switch and sequencer no longer open the GUI to the wrong players
- Belt items no longer skip blocking attachments while loaded in
- Nozzle explosions no longer cause block damage
- PSIs no longer transfer an excess of items, deleting them in the process